Each team will have 2 representatives in the Juvenile Jaunt series. Each rider will compete in 8 out of the 10 rounds. The top 32 riders overall from the 3 different regions will qualify for the semi-finals. The top 8 from each semi-final will progress to a one off Grand Final.


The Juvenile Jaunt will be split into 3 regions, North, Midlands and South with each region consisting of 10 teams from the main Sim Speedway game. Each team will get the chance to host one meeting per season.






The Juvenile Jaunt is set up to allow young British riders to gain experience, no foreign riders are allowed. The only nationalities allowed are English, Scottish, Irish & Welsh or riders who hold dual nationality as long as one of the nationalities is one previously mentioned.


Juvenile Jaunt riders must be 16 years of age or under, there are no exceptions to this. 






Any rider missing two minutes will be excluded and a reserve will take his place in the heat.


Any rider touching the tapes will be excluded and a reserve will take his place in the heat.


The event director may at his discretion remove a rider who is having machinery issues, a real off night, feeling unwell, or any reason which could affect the health, safety and welfare of other riders.






Average conversion between the Juvenile Jaunt and other leagues will work as follows:


Any rider averaging 8.00 or over will move up to the Academy League on half his average provided he is 14 or above. The only other reason a rider can move into the Academy League is if the rider is overage and averaging between 7.00 and 7.99. He can then move up to the Academy League on half his average. This will be at the discretion of the NSSPA.






As well as the 2 riders for the Juvenile Jaunt, each team will have 3 younger junior riders who will form part of their junior squad. A 4 team tournament will run throughout the season along the lines of the senior 4 team tournament. There will be 6 groups of 5 teams. Each team will compete in 4 qualifying rounds. The top 2 teams from each group will qualify for the final. Groups will be drawn out of the hat.


Team line-ups will have to be submitted for these meetings. Managers can put their riders in whichever position they like in their line-up.


Meetings will run along the lines of a 16 heat 4 team tournament. Each rider will have 4 rides, riding against all the riders from the other teams once only. The reserve rider will replace any rider who is injured during the meeting.





This is a very important part of the junior section of SIM



All teams will have a pot of 6 coaching sessions where managers can send riders to the NSSPA coaches for intense coaching sessions. These sessions can be used by managers for whichever of their 5 riders they see fit. If they wish to use all 6 sessions for 1 rider then they can. Be aware though that each resulting session will be less effective than the one before.


A maximum of 2 sessions can be used at any one time (only 2 sessions per week) and at any time during the season. The 2 sessions can be for 2 different riders or both for 1 rider. These sessions will result in a boost to the racing average of the rider depending how well they do at the session. New racing averages after a rider has had his session will be posted on team pages so managers can keep track of how many sessions they have used. To apply for these coaching sessions please send a PM to Kings Lynn Lightning stating which rider/s require coaching. Random posts on the forum asking for coaching will not be viewed as applications for coaching sessions.


Another way to improve your rider’s racing average is for managers to use their team’s coach and post about these sessions on the forum. Smaller average boosts will come from these training sessions. Managers will not be informed of these boosts but rest assured they will happen.






At the beginning of each season new riders will be allocated teams whose rider has moved into the Academy League, become too old for the junior section or just simply retired from racing. 







Each team is expected to use the Sim Speedway forum to promote their event, an after meeting review as a minimum is expected from all managers with a small preference for a small preview too. This will be read by the NSSPA and each team will be awarded a financial bonus for their efforts in promoting the meeting. 


The costs for hosting the event are all met by the NSSPA rider development fund, it does not cost managers anything to host the event.